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Fee Protection Insurance
Tax enquiries ... everyone is at risk​

Each year HMRC undertake an enormous number of tax enquiries into individuals and businesses to check they have paid the right amount of tax.  Since 2010 HMRC have strengthened their approach to enquiry work and consequently secured a record £ 30.3 billion of additional revenue in 2017/18 alone.

These results have been achieved by proactively targeting individuals, traders and businesses using sophisticated software, data and wider powers, enabling enquiries to be targeted more efficiently and on a greater scale that ever before.

Tax enquiries can last for months, even years and defending you against HMRC's detailed questions requires specific expertise and can be time consuming and costly.  Indeed, the cost of dealing with an enquiry can amount to thousands of pounds, even if no extra tax is payable.

You can protect ...

Our normal annual fees do not cover for the additional professional costs of handling tax enquiries and compliance checks.  We therefore strongly recommend that you are protected against such unexpected costs by subscribing to our Tax Fee Protection Service.  You can view a sample of the Summary of Service here

An additional benefit is that clients who need support on general issues and the complex areas of Employment Law and Health and Safety can obtain expert advice on such issues free of charge.


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